Stop delaying the H A R D

Mar 07, 2024

I'm sitting here pondering how hard life has felt for us lately. 


Our LFH clinic space was decimated by a flood. My family is living out of a 5th wheel and our master bedroom right now. Everything from cooking to getting ready for school takes twice as long and feels 5x as hard. 


While it may feel exceptionally heavy right now, do we not live in a world that is just H A R D most days? 


Maybe your version of hard is simply getting up in the morning?


Maybe it's trying to figure out what to feed your kids for breakfast?


Maybe your hard is not knowing what to feed yourself?


Maybe you feel so bogged down by life that your health comes last? 


(I have never experienced any of these, BTW)....drips sarcasm...


In the days that feel dark, we can forget that the best way forward is THROUGH the hard. Not around it. 


Read that again. 


We cannot avoid hard things in this world. It's that way by design. 


But we can be intentional about how we move through hard things. 


It truly is just one foot in front of the other. And repeat. 


Know what is the best way to get through the hard times? 


A community. A coach. A friend. 


(Insert shameless plug for our Health Warriors private group--we are waiting for YOU).


When we are in the dark, we generally can't see in front of ourselves, but others can see for us. 


It's why group coaching is so powerful. Others have been where you are. 


Is that hard to believe?


I promise it's true. 


Even on your hardest days, there has been someone who has gone through it too. And they will have valuable insight to offer. 


You don't want to miss out on that, do you? 


Knowing you are not alone is one of the greatest gifts I can give you. 


It’s seriously my favorite part of Reclaim Your Metabolism. (Enrollment is opening soon–find out more here). 


So don't miss out on this beautiful community that we are building. 


See you there.

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